Kelli Crutchfield
Maid of Honor

My reminder that God loves and wants the best for me. All ways... always

Kelli is my first cousin by blood and one of my best friends by choice. We fought our way to this beautiful relationship we have today. She pushes me to be a better human so what more can I ask for. As kids, our parents would plan events for us to attend. Kelli is a twin so I would always be the 3rd wheel, but I never felt that way. At one point I just figured we must have been triplets. She is a force who allows God to guide her. Kelli is a living example of God's love for me and our family. There is no problem she won't try to solve and no family event she won't plan..even if she really wants someone else to do it. The truth is nobody can plan a party like Kelli. 

Gigi Grassu
Matron of Honor

She helps me get my mind, body and soul in shape.

On my first day of work for Showtime, this stranger took care of Scooby for me. Long story short, he had to go the emergency room and Gigi took him. She only left him once to go pick up her daughter, Audrey, and then she went right back to the hospital because she knew I couldn't leave work. This stranger had and still has the most  compassion I have ever witnessed. She trains me daily (also my excuse to get in my bestie time). Physically and mentally she tells me there is nothing I can't do. On rough days, she lets me cry in the gym and she just listens. On fun days, she makes me do cardio with weights...not so fun. Our time together will never be enough. I'm so blessed to have you as a best friend and Matron of Honor

Bryanna Merriweather
Her mom always said there would only be a few forever friends. Glad she's mine.
Bryanna and I met in 2001 at Providence High School. There hasn't been a circumstance where we haven't been by each other's side. Through the good and bad, the crazy high school days, the years away at different colleges, to her forcing me to watch Golden Girls until we fell asleep as adults, Bryanna is my true friend. Months have gone by where we haven't spoken and one day, I'll pick up the phone and call her. She'll answer and it will be like no time has passed. Bryanna and I have seen each other go from high school girlies with attitude to women with vision...and still a bit of spice.
Derazett Crutchfield

My forever Buddy! 

Derazett is a first cousin and nicknamed me her "buddy" when I was a baby. We've both grown tremendously over the years and now as women we have a respect and love for each other that is unmatched. I'm extremely proud of Derazett's career and personal growth. She has raised two of the best humans on Earth, one of whom named my dog Scooby and the other is my little Princess. No matter what time I call, she answers and is willing to drive to the airport with a smile when I need her! 

Kayla Higgins
Kayla is my first cousin and one of my first best friends. Kayla, Kelli and I would do everything together and I look back on our childhood with such fond memories. I pray our kids get a chance to grow up the way we did. Loving family functions, dancing off beat, playing board games, sneaking a bit of alcohol and enjoying their cousin time. Over the years, we grew apart and then God brought us back together one night. I tell ya'll God moves!! We may not talk everyday but I know she loves me and when I need her she listens and doesn't judge. Kayla doesn't say much  often but when she does speak, everyone pays attention. I pray our love for each other grows and glows. 
Keli Miles
She is bold, fearless and loves loudly...especially in an Atlanta club!
We are cousins, best friends and party animals. Our paths crossed so many times growing up but we never spent too much quality time together. That was until my job relocated me to Atlanta for a year and God knew I needed a support system. Keli had my back as I navigated one of the biggest moves of my career. Hollywood is odd but Hollywood in Atlanta is even weirder in many ways. Keli allowed me to vent, cry, laugh and dance whenever my soul needed it. Keli loves hard and is always there for whatever her loved ones may need. When I lost Scooby, she was the first one to send me a care package and when I got a new job, she was the first one to party with me. Through life's ups and downs Keli will be right by my side.
Krystal Harris
Krystal and I met in acting class. For years, we supported each other but never had one on one time. I'm not sure when that changed. One day she was pregnant and Liz and I were throwing her a baby shower and then I fell in love. In love with her spirit and drive for life. Krystal takes a no and makes it truly mean something, she doesn't see it as a closed door but an opportunity to find the right door. Throughout the years, Krystal and I have fought just as hard as we've loved. To me, she is my true sister and our journeys have just begun. 
Liberty Copeland

Polly Pocket. She's my "no matter what"

Liberty and I met at a hair salon about 20 years ago haha! We lost touch and then one day, my job relocated me to Atlanta to supervise production of a show called BIGGER. I was sitting at the cast dinner, trying to remember everyone's names when I heard the person next to me say their name was Liberty. I turned around and the "short gals" were back together again. God has a funny way of placing people in your life at the right time. he knew I would need support from all sides on this one and He strategically placed people who would be able to do just that. Liberty prays for me and cries when those blessings become a reality. When Alex and I made it official, I'm pretty sure it's because of a few prayers sent through this tiny warrior. 

Lindsay Southard

ECP! We all we got! Her love for her friends is beyond measure. 

From the moment we met in 2004, I knew we would be the best of friends. I had never met anyone as Southern as Lindsay! Haha! She was intelligent, pretty, kind, generous and could cook! I wanted to room with Lindsay our Freshmen Year but I didn't get my acceptance letter in time. Luckily, she was right down the hall in HH. There is no way I would have been able to successfully complete my years at Spelman without Lindsay. I have been blessed to spend a few holiday breaks with The Southards and let me tell you, they know how to party! I'm forever grateful for the love of Eddie, Margie and Lindsay! 

Monique Harris

She may be his twin and best friend but she's my Bridesmaid so take that Alex!

I was extremely nervous to meet Alex's twin sister. The fact that she went to Spelman should have reassured me but it actually made me even more nervous. Us Spelman women are pretty tough! From our very first meeting, Monique was nothing but warm and welcoming. She allowed me to show up as me and has been a voice of guidance when dealing with fun wedding stuff and particular Alexisms. Her boys are a ball of energy and definitely give me a run for my money..and all around Disneyworld. I look forward to creating more memories with my Sister in Love. 

Paris Bauldwin

She brings love, kindness, champagne and tequila everywhere she goes!

We met at our friend Liz's bachelorette party in Vegas. Typically what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas but my love for Paris couldn't stay. She is the light God knew I needed. Paris is a boss, who loves her family, friends, coworkers and plants just as fiercely as she loves God and herself. She never takes any moment for granted and makes sure that we all LIVE. From our traveling adventures to our film and tv projects, Paris is stuck with me forever and ever. 

David Smith
Best Man
My oldest brother, therefore one of my oldest friends. I have a lot of close friends that I love to death, however David was always the number one choice as best man.
LeBrent Smith
My older brother, more wise than he knows, I trust him with my deepest secrets.
Rudy Harris
My brother-in-law, I couldn't trust this man to marry my twin sister and father my nephews and not trust him to bless my union as well. I'm proud to call him my groomsman.
Oren Malik
One of my oldest friends in this crazy film industry, the only person who could make me stop talking and leave a conversation. Of course, he'd have a parrot on his shoulder. Someone that is forced to talk back. I've traveled the world with this guy. Proud to have him by my side.
Maurice Simpson IV
Prince of Ceremonies
We are extremely proud of this young man. Big Mo is smart, sweet and extremely dedicated. We can't wait to see how he changes the world. 
Boston Phillips
Princess of Ceremonies
Boston was the first little princess I (Paige) have seen being born. She took my breath away then and she still does daily. Boston is fierce and bossy. She is sweet and spicy and we are so blessed to be her God Parents. Boston has us wrapped around her finger..and she knows it.